Greta Update — Feb 23, 2011

Update from our volunteer who did a site visit on Greta this year: Greta seems happy, when I showed up she just sort of stared at me and didn’t want to come over to say hi. When her mom showed up she got really happy and came over to her mom who haltered her. Her...

Greta Update — July 16, 2010

From Molly: Quick update; Greta is doing great! With the help of my awesome natural hoof practitioner and some diet changes.…no re-occurrence of founder. I can’t believe 5 years has already gone by since the SAFE beginnings, what amazing work has been done. Thank...

Greta update — Jan 7, 2009

Here’s an update on Greta: Sorry I haven’t been better at staying in touch. I moved Greta last summer to a small farm that is 4 miles from my house, she loves her new pal and we did a few trail rides together over the summer. Unfortunately she developed acute...

Greta update — Jan 22, 2007

I got to see Greta today working with her trainer, Monica Stephens, and see Greta’s owner Molly again. Wow! I can’t believe this is the same horse I saw in May 2005, who was sick, thin, and lethargic in quarantine in Yakima. She is absolutely stunning! I think she had...