We would like to express our sincere appreciation to the world’s greatest team of volunteers for their hours of hard work donated on Saturday, September 22nd. Record turnout and hard work made a lot of improvements to SAFE Harbor Stables happen. SAFE appreciates everything our dedicated volunteers do for our horses.

Additionally, we would like to thank the following individuals/business:

Patti Gable and Brenda Adams for donating and delivering lunch
Matheus Lumber of Woodinville for donating materials for the run-in shed walls
Bill Navarre & Todd Leake for construction expertise on the run-in shed
Scott Petrie for donation of materials and construction on the hayloft floor
Larry Shatos, Bill Lile, and Steve Monahan for operating the tractor

And one more thank you to the volunteers who helped on the follow up weekend, wrapping up some gravel moving and painting the shed walls:

Marie Holtz
Laura Monahan & Family
Britt Nelson
Anne-Marie Rousseau
Kathleen & Lexi Navarre
Sara Eggers

You are all simply the best, and we could not keep this rescue running without your contributions.