As we come to the end of October, I am very happy to report that we are well on our way to reaching our goal for the Fall Into Winter Feed Drive. We’ve raised $2,700 to date and our goal is to raise $10,000 by the end of November. I think we can do it! I know we can do it! 

These are the kind people who have already donated to Fall Into Winter, and we thank each and every one of them for their generosity and caring hearts! Looking over these names, I find it interesting how many of them are familiar to me. That’s because of the 24 people listed here, 12 of them are Monthly Sponsors who give every month. 8 of them volunteer with SAFE on a regular or occasional basis. One is a horse. And only 4 of the 24 names listed here are first-time donors.

Why is that, I wonder? I could be unhappy that we don’t see more new donors for campaigns like Fall Into Winter, but instead, I’m going to be proud that SAFE has the kind of donors who give to SAFE once and then tend to give again. And why is that? It’s my fond hope that people continue to support SAFE not only because they believe in our mission and our ability to achieve that mission, but that by donating to SAFE, they feel that they are part of that mission. That is what I believe. This organization does not belong to one or two people, but to hundreds. And each person who makes SAFE possible does it in his or her own way. Somebody who loves this organization is outside in the rain at SAFE Harbor right now, picking up poop and hauling it off in a wheelbarrow. Someone else is writing us a check for $10, which is all he can spare right now. And both are a vital part of this organization. I truly hope they both know that. 

The Fall Into Winter Feed Drive is the only time of the year that we set a fundraising goal and then nudge our supporters to try to reach it. Every dime we raise goes to pay for hay and grain for our horses…straight to the horses’ mouths as it were. So if you want to give to SAFE knowing that your contribution will be used for one thing and one thing only…Fall Into Winter is time to give. And if you’re not yet one of the hundreds of people who call SAFE “their rescue” — well, join us! Hopefully you’ll soon understand why our supporters give again and again. 

Bonnie Hammond
Executive Director
SAFE | Save a Forgotten Equine