Ann and her horse Dakota

Ann and her horse Dakota

Congratulations to our June volunteer of the month, Ann Amort!

Ann joined the SAFE team of volunteers nearly a year ago. She has been working the AM Feed/Chore shift on Fridays. For the last couple of months, Fridays have been occasionally understaffed. Ann is an exceptionally hard worker and she never complains. Ann was actually nominated for Volunteer of the Month by a co-worker who was so impressed with her hard work, efficiency, and good attitude.

Thank you for all your hard work, Ann! SAFE and our horses appreciate everything you contribute to keep our rescue running smoothly. Here is a little more about Ann…

I had my own horses in high school and college and participated in 4‑H horse club and took riding lessons. Although I do ride english, I have always preferred western and am happiest going down a trail. I started riding again three years ago after 28 years away from horses. I am currently leasing two horses and taking riding lessons. The last two summers I have been lucky enough to go on a nine day horseback trip in the Oregon Cascades with my two sons.

This past school year my husband and I were empty nesters with both of our sons away at college. I had been looking for volunteer work to fill some of my time and really wanted to help rescue horses but all of the rescues were too far away. When SAFE moved to Woodinville I was thrilled and immediately signed up to volunteer. I also volunteer with a group that makes quilts for cancer patients and spend the night at a women’s shelter one night a month.

It is hard to chose just one favorite SAFE horse! I have enjoyed getting to know all the horses with their different personalities. I guess I would have to say my favorites are Misty, Strider, and Sinatra.

I find working at SAFE to be very rewarding and I know that the efforts of all the volunteers really do make a difference. I have enjoyed meeting some wonderful, hard working people and learning a lot about horses and how a a successful, well run rescue operates.