Carrie and her husband Derek

Carrie and her husband Derek

Carrie Gouldin came to SAFE at the perfect time: our new Barn Manager, Terry, needed some help to get the barn in order and to manage the horses during some vacation she had planned. Carrie was ready, willing and able to fill both of those needs, and she came to us with an impressive resume of horse experience!

She worked almost full time for the month of August while she was between jobs. Very few people are willing to make such a big time commitment to their volunteer role. Carrie did so with enthusiasm! She and her husband also recently attended the Fall Work Party and worked hard for the full day.

Carrie recently started a new full time job, and we are very hopeful that once she is feeling settled in she will decide to continue volunteering with SAFE on a weekly basis. Here is a little more about Carrie in her own words…

I had a crazy summer –I gave notice, got married, spoke at two marketing conferences, moved, and found a new job all in the span of two months. For the last eight years, I lived in Washington, DC, where I met my husband, then a grad student at the University of Maryland. This past spring he got a job offer at Google so we picked up and moved to Fremont in late July. 

After we’d unpacked, I decided to take August off to relax and focus on getting my non-worklife figured out. While I was researching Seattle area barns I came across SAFE’s website and thought volunteering would be a great way to spend the month but I had a short window and I wasn’t sure how soon I’d hear back from the volunteer coordinator. Debi emailed me within 20 minutes and I was set up to meet and start volunteering shortly thereafter.

Luckily for me, Terry needed some help at the barn and I ended up spending at least 4 days a week outside with the horses in the lovely summer weather–a big change from DC! I came home smelling like horse and sweat and feeling like I’d accomplished something. (Sometimes catching Cameo is a big deal.) Working with SAFE horses was exactly what I needed in my time off.

I couldn’t pick a favorite horse–Nora’s easy to get along with, Sinatra’s a ham, Ginger’s a sweetie, Miah’s curious but so shy, Portland and Chance make a handsome turnout pair.

I understand there’s a new mare at the barn but I haven’t been out since I started my new job after Labor Day. After I settle into my new routine, I hope to get back out to SAFE at least once a week and pitch in. I miss the horses and there’s always more to be done!