One of the many ways to volunteer with SAFE is to become a Foster for a SAFE Horse. Our network of foster homes is what allows us to help more horses than we can house at our main facility. When we happen to come across a foster who is also willing and capable to further the training of one of our riding horses, it is cause for celebration. Such is the case of the February Volunteer of the Month…Lisa Tuininga.
Lisa came to us with an offer to foster and train one of our rideable horses. After a thorough evaluation of Lisa’s riding skills, our Training Manager selected Misty as a good fit. For well over a year now, Lisa has given her time and money to help further Misty’s training and increase her adoptability. We are exceptionally grateful for all that Lisa has done for Misty’s education…including regular exercise, trail riding, and even getting her to schooling shows for additional exposure. Lisa’s time with Misty is drawing to an end and we wanted to express our sincere appreciation for all that Lisa has done for this spunky mare.
Get to know Lisa a little more here…
Tell us a little bit about yourself
I live in North Bend with my husband and twin six year old girls. We run a graphic design studio here in town, and in my spare time I enjoy reading, hiking, and of course — being with horses!
How long have you been volunteering for SAFE?
I began fostering for SAFE in September, 2012.
What made you decide to foster for SAFE?
I’ve always ridden horses and usually own one, but a few years ago, being horseless at the time, decided that it would be great to have a horse to work with while helping a good cause.
Who is your favorite SAFE horse?
At the moment of course it is Misty — my current foster project! She has been a tough nut to crack but now we are really making progress and I’ve grown to appreciate her highly social, questioning, smart, interactive side. She keeps me on my toes. Just this afternoon as I went to put her away after our ride, she noticed that I took the halter off a bit early and she gave me that wily look as she started to slowly back away from me and out into the aisleway. I had to tactfully use the lead rope to corral her neck and bring her back into her stall. Total pony move!
Is there anything else you would like to share about yourself or your experience with SAFE?
SAFE is such a wonderful organization. Their great communication and professional approach to running a rescue organization has made my foster experience so positive. Everyone that meets Misty is impressed with her story and the progress that she has made. It’s a win-win situation for everyone involved and I feel lucky to have this opportunity to be involved.