
description: bay Thoroughbred mare
type of rescue: Owner Surrender
intake date: 12/29/2008
date of death: 11/14/2009
length of time with SAFE: 10 months

Wishes was a Thoroughbred mare who was surrendered to SAFE at the age of 15 in late December 2008 by her owners, in conjunction with an Animal Control neglect case in Snohomish County. She arrived in extremely poor condition, with a BCS of about a 1.5, is covered with rain rot, and has a severe case of scratches/cellulitis. Wishes was rehabilitated and blossomed into a lovely warm bay mare who enjoyed hanging out with her friends in the field over the summer. Wishes was sent into training and while she initially made very good progress, she revealed a tendency to rear and flip with no sense of self-preservation. Sadly, on November 14, 2009, Wishes was humanely euthanized due to acute DSLD.
