And all you need to do is write us a review!

We have an opportunity to win a $5,000 prize that GuideStar USA, Inc., the leading source of nonprofit information, and KIMBIA, a group that empowers nonprofits and other organizations to increase giving, are making available through their Winter 2011 GuideStar-KIMBIA Nonprofit Giveaway. The organization with the greatest number of reviews posted between February 1, 2010 and February 28, 2011 will win the $5,000 prize.

This is a quick and easy way to show your support for S.A.F.E. and provide us the chance to win a $5,000 prize and show potential donors what our supporters think of us. Won’t you take a few minutes and write a review?

To write a review for S.A.F.E., please click on–5825355/save-a-forgotten-equine.aspx

This generous gift would help us make a difference in the lives of many forgotten and at-risk equines. The list of possibilities is endless and the lives of the equines that we save are forever changed by the efforts of our volunteers and supporters and the donations of so many people. Imagine the difference we could make with this extra money!

What can $5,000 do for S.A.F.E.?
• It could cover over half of our annual feed budget
• It could cover sixty days training on six of our rescued horses
• It could provide more Noble shelters and fencing at our Monroe facility
• It could cover basic veterinary care for all of our horses for roughly six months

As part of SAFE’s commitment to open and honest communication with its supporters, we strive to maintain complete transparency with our financial records. We publicly account for both incoming donations and outgoing expenses, and we welcome and encourage anyone who is interested in learning more to review our financial documents. SAFE publishes a financial update at the end of each month, as well as annual profit and loss statements, all of which can be viewed on our website at

Anyone with firsthand knowledge about us—donors, volunteers, board members, recipients of our services—can write a review about us on GuideStar. Your review will appear in our profile on both GuideStar and GreatNonprofits. There is no charge for writing a review, but you are limited to posting only one review for our organization. This is a quick and easy way to help spread the word about S.A.F.E. with many potential donors.

For more information, see the official rules at The giveaway begins on February 1, 2011, and ends at 11:59 p.m. EDT, February 28, 2011.