Another day, another fun and successful Work Party! Last week, SAFE hosted Deloitte LLP as part of their 25th annual company wide Impact Day. We had nearly 40 people from their Seattle office come to the barn for the entire day. These folks were hungry for the work and chewed through the planned task list, even tackling extra projects that could be done without much pre-planning.


The group was so upbeat and eager for more! Even after their lunch break, everyone was just as enthusiastic — no post-food lethargy for these folks. We had them switch up assigned groups after the break for some variety in the type and intensity of work, but the team of paint scrapers didn’t want to leave their project unfinished. They had their sights set on the shade from the apple tree in pasture 21 where they were scraping!

But scraping fences only scratched the surface of what they were able to accomplish. Over the course of the day, the group:

  • Added a new layer of gravel to the front of Domino’s paddock, a spot notorious for its mud. They also added in a drainage channel to further keep the area dry.
  • Built out a hotwire buffer zone across the front of the paddocks that border one of our grass turnouts.
  • Raised up the base of our outdoor wash rack, added more gravel, and cleared the surrounding area of weeds and other creeping and unwanted vegetation.
  • Speaking of unwanted vegetation, they went to town on clearing a good chunk of the blackberries and other weeds that have been busy growing this spring.
  • Washed all four of our horse trailers – no small task!

This task list is one that ordinarily would take us weeks (or months!) to chip away at, but this team stepped up to the plate and knocked it out of the park!

But this group couldn’t do it alone. We are also hugely grateful for the assistance of our volunteers who led groups day-of and who helped plan and guide the projects to success (thank you Ginni, Jackie, Larry, Monique, Warren, and Jeanne), and to Leigh for connecting us with Deloitte in the first place. Teamwork really does make the dream work!