Mahina means moon in Hawaiian and much like a moon, this bright mare continues to wax. Unlike a moon, there is no sign of her waning.

Mahina’s curriculum grows by the day as she learns more about what it means to be a good equine citizen. Now that she is able to be caught, she has moved on to more advanced projects like learning the building blocks of this horsemanship and using her newfound skills for such real-world applications as walking across the property to a fancy new pen. Roundpen living no longer!

Mahina has also spent time learning to pick up her hooves in preparation for the many farrier visits in her future. She is sharp as a tack, and it did not take long for her to understand the concept of picking up her hooves — though she can certainly be ‘noodly’ with her balance when asked to stand on only three legs! At the end of a 5‑day stint of working daily on giving to the pressure of a rope to lift her hooves and getting used to being pet all over her legs, she was ready to meet the nippers for the first time here at SAFE.

Check out a brief snapshot of the process: