Barbie’s Dream Horse was named Prancer, and technically she was cremello. But it’s hard not to look at these beautiful pictures of Winter and not conjure up images of the toy you’d bring to show and tell. If one thing is true about Winter, it’s that she is calorically dense eye candy.

Winter is seeing big changes here at SAFE too. After learning the basic ropes, she is now getting more experiences with volunteers of various skill levels, acting as both teacher and student, and growing more gentle by the day because of it. She is still getting accustomed to it all, but she is learning to be caught by more people with different feels, and in a big field at that! She also has her little herd of mares (Tiva and Wren) who she is very protective over.

It has been great to see Winter let down a little, and in the coming weeks and months we are looking forward to watching her come into herself even more! But in the meantime we will oo and ahh each time we see her, because this is one beautiful mare!