From Molly:

Greta had her first big vet appointment today with Dr. Evergreen. I was nervous all week, because I didn’t know what to expect or how she would behave. For the most part it was uneventful, although very interesting for me; I got to feel the difference in her teeth before and after the float. She did rear in the stall and bump her mouth (prior to the sedative ;))just some minor cuts. Greta is 6–7 years old and overall healthy, she has some scar tissue in her back left leg from an old injury but it doesn’t seem to bother her. Dr. H was awesome and now she has perfect teeth for chomping all those Christmas treats. Geri also came and trimmed her feet for the full spa day.

Here she is after her treatments.….soooo sleeeepy

She was palpated and no foal was detected.…whew!
(just chubby)