I am celebrating the one year anniversary of my job as Volunteer Coordinator. In that year, I have been incredibly moved by the quality of people who choose to give their time and energy to SAFE. Every time I put the call out for help, our dedicated volunteers answer it. And they bring their friends. And their co-workers. And their dads. Together, we accomplish great things.

The recent 6th Annual SAFE Benefit Horse Show was yet another example of how great things are accomplished by dedicated volunteers. The show literally could not happen without the many hours of behind-the-scenes hard work done by volunteers. I appreciate each of you so very much for sacrificing a sunny summer weekend to help us pull this event together. I am eternally grateful that you all toughed it out in the incredibly brutal heat.

I would like to add, this year, we had more new volunteers than ever. People who only recently came to SAFE and don’t know us very well at all, still made the long drive and gave up their weekend to participate. It makes me so incredibly proud to be part of an organization that moves people in that way. I hope that each of you “newbies” had a rewarding experience and that you will continue to volunteer with us and be back at next year’s show.

You should have received an invitation to our Annual Volunteer Appreciation Event on Aug 18th, where we will celebrate the accomplishments of this past year and the volunteers who made it all possible (if you didn’t, please email me!) Thank you to each of you…our volunteers are the heart and soul of SAFE. — Debi Shatos, Volunteer Coordinator