If you look at the current population of horses at SAFE right now, eleven of them are what we call “companions” — older horses that can’t really be ridden anymore…but still need a safe, permanent home. Any of these horses would tell you that caring for a companion will enrich your life in ways you’ve never even thought of! Adopting a senior pet is the ultimate act of love; a clear example of something you do mostly for their sake. In the case of the older SAFE horses, these mares and geldings have survived neglect or abuse, and now they deserve permanent homes where they will be well fed, well cared for, and well loved.

One factor that sometimes holds people back from adopting a senior horse is the cost associated with their care, especially when it comes to the end of their lives. Euthanasia and removal can cost upwards of $1,000 in western Washington, which is a lot to take on. So SAFE would like to offer potential senior horse adopters some assistance with these costs.

If you adopt a companion horse from SAFE, we will sign a contract ensuring you that when the time comes to say goodbye, we will cover the costs of what needs to be done. Your lucky horse will come to you fully rehabilitated and up to date on all routine vet care, with an established feeding plan and an honest behavioral assessment. All we ask in return is that you carry on their good care, and let them know every day that they are home.

Offering this assistance is completely worth it to us, because it means that more of our beloved seniors will be able to enjoy a real home with a person or family that welcomes and values them. And crucially, by adopting one of our senior horses, you will have opened up space at SAFE for another horse to be rescued, a horse who desperately needs our help. We operate under a cap, which means we have to turn horses away when we don’t have space. So adopting a senior horse from us could literally save another horse’s life.

This program is not designed to make horse ownership affordable to anyone who can’t honestly afford it. The adoption will be approved or denied using the same requirements and standards as any horse we adopt out. As an adopter, you will legally own the horse, so you’ll be responsible for the cost of feed, shelter, farrier care, and vet care, for as long as their quality of life remains high.

When the end approaches, you will have our full support: logistical, financial, and even emotional. In the last 20 years, we’ve helped so many horses pass on, so we are well qualified to help you know what signs to watch for, how to make that difficult decision, and how to carry it through with dignity and love.

Adoptable senior horses on the SAFE website that are included in this program will be designated as such. Adopters are not obligated to make use of the monetary help, but we hope that knowing it’s there will make it easier to say yes to a sweet and wonderful senior horse that needs you.