Aiden and Allison have been taking lessons together while Aiden is at Fire Creek Stables in Monroe. Here are some videos of their work together:
1) Aiden working on canter departs to the right
Aiden has been a bit silly about his canter departs lately. In their lesson today, Andrea had Allison work with trot poles to help him with the depart. It really seemed to make a difference. Aiden is going so well these days! Thanks Allison, for keeping him going!
2) Aiden works on canter departs to the left
This is the same excercise, going the other direction. Aiden has been a bit fussy about the canter depart lately so Allison has been using trot poles to help him with the depart. Doesn’t he look great these days?
3) Aiden learns to jump!
Heather has been lunging Aiden over small jumps so Allison decided to give it a whirl under saddle. As you can see, he took his new task quite seriously and was trying very hard! What a good boy!
4) Aiden and Allison 6/20
Allison took Aiden for a little tack walk to cool off after their lesson. He is headed back towards the barn, over a bridge with running water under it, towards dinner. He is ho-hum about the whole thing. We love this boy!