Yesterday may have been Friday the 13th, but the creepy crawlies are still out. That’s right, it’s botfly season. These pests have it really figured out — they lay their eggs on the legs and sides of horses, places where they are likely to be ingested by the pass of a nose or a tongue as a horse itches. Then, the eggs have a nice warm place to incubate in the GI tract. By the time they exit the body, they are getting ready to hatch and begin the cycle anew.
Our groomers have been hard at work de-egging the horses, thwarting the flies’ plan and helping to keep our parasite loads down. Harissa models for us both where one might locate bot fly eggs, and how best to stand for their removal — namely, quietly and patiently. Speaking of metamorphoses, Harissa’s has been significant. She may not be a full butterfly yet, but she is well on her way!