Boone (now Mr. Fezziweg) was adopted from SAFE in late November 2020. His adopted family had just seen the show A Christmas Carol, and Mr. Fezziweg was the name of Scrooge’s first boss at the counting house. Mr. Fezziweg was the jolly fellow that gave the wonderful Christmas party for his staff before Scrooge turned into a jerk. So, they named him Mr. Fezziweg after the jolly guy in the story. He has been a great addition to their family. Mr. Fezziweg is a companion to their 8‑year-old Yakima reservation mare and another 25-year-old mare. The 8‑year-old mare rules the roost, and Mr. Fezziweg gets to boss around the older mare!
He is super with the little ones that come to visit and gets groomed and pampered for hours with them. He lives a great life at their property with lots of loving attention. His human family are constantly making improvements to their farm, and the horses and Mr. Fezzi benefit greatly from their care.