Coco, Minnie, and Teddi are happy as can be out on the beautiful Key Peninsula. They have graduated to shared/open shelter (so they each have individual stalls, but the doors are left open so they can all meander in and out together), as they get on wonderfully as a herd. Teddi is clearly the gentle but firm matriarch, with spunky little Coco trying her best to be second in command! They have access to a lovely large paddock 24/7 and get field turnout on the weekends when their humans are home (can you spot Teddi waiting [im]patiently to go out?!) with some moo-cow mamas and calves across the fence when they’re up there.

Treats and brushings and plenty of love are the SOP (standard operating procedure) at this farm and these girls couldn’t be happier with that order of business!