You may have noticed that we haven’t announced a Volunteer of the Month for December. We didn’t forget, we have just been planning something special…a new Volunteer of the Year award! Each December, the SAFE Board of Directors will select one dedicated SAFE volunteer to honor with this award. The recipient’s name will be engraved on a plaque which permanently resides at the SAFE farm.

Our very first Volunteer of the Year award goes to…

Abby Gambrill

Abby began volunteering with SAFE in 2009. She is one of our most reliable, hard working and cheerful volunteers. In addition to farm chores and feeding responsibilities, Abby has also undertaken the orientation and training of new volunteers. Abby’s professionalism in all aspects of her volunteer duties are what sets her apart. She can always be counted on to contribute at all SAFE functions, and she provides valuable insight and feedback as well. She has been a huge asset to SAFE and we appreciate her years of dedication and hard work. Abby, the SAFE Board of Directors sincerely thanks you and is delighted to honor you with the 2011 Volunteer of the Year award.