Our volunteer of the month is Allison!  Allison is our longest volunteer, having been with us since 2006.  Allison is now our Volunteer Coordinator and she has also had the opportunity to ride some of the wonderful horses at SAFE — most notably Cedar (RIP) and now Annie.  A little about Allison in her own words:

Allison and Annie

I’ve been a volunteer with SAFE since 2006, when I learned about horse slaughter and wanted to do something help. I had been horseless for a while and helping at the farm gave me the ability to be around them and continue learning. Since then SAFE has become an important part of my life and I have made good friends and learned so much. Since I’ve been around so long, you can imagine I have more than one favorite horse! Sinatra is the first horse that really resonated with me; seeing first hand the awful place he came from yet he still maintained such a happy personality; then there was Cedar, the big, skinny, ugly-duckling mare that went from being stand-offish and uncertain of people to a total snugglebug and so beautiful; and finally Annie, becoming such a dynamic and curious mare — a big difference from the angry, fear-aggressive mare from three years prior. The physical and mental transformations that each SAFE horse undergoes is confirmation that this rescue knows how to do things right. I took over the position of Volunteer Coordinator this past fall and am proud to be trusted with such an important part of the organization. When I’m not at the farm, I’m spending time with family and friends or commuting to/from work. I love to read and am a total sucker for any E! True Hollywood story.