Carrie S worked alongside Sienna in the August Joel Conner Clinic, and had the following reflections about her experience with this beautiful mare:

I had the privilege of working with Sienna in the August Joel Conner clinic.  This kind and sensitive mare has made lovely progress in getting more life and responsiveness in some areas but has held out in other areas.  These being the areas where I haven’t been confident about her ability to do something, such as getting a 90 degree bend when asked for her hind quarters on the unified circle.  She reads lack of confidence like it was a neon sign glowing on the Las Vegas strip.  Fortunately I was able to watch another participant with a similar pattern find her confidence and get a change in her horse that she’s been wanting.

I started varying pressure at levels that were uncomfortable for me, but oddly very effective for Sienna.  She became lighter moving her front quarters and licked and chewed afterward, signaling freedom and peace.  We are now focused on getting a 90 degree bend on the unified circle.  This bend on a feel is challenging for her because she can’t see what is happening on the outer side of her body.  Helping her find peace even when she can’t constantly monitor what’s going on will bring a greater level of freedom and ease for her.  I’m so grateful for the opportunity to learn from Joel and alongside the other horsemanship staff and volunteers.  It’s an honor to be able to help this precious mare find safety and trust in her world.  She is a masterful teacher for those of us early on in our journey with horsemanship.  She is so safe to make mistakes with.  And responsive when we provide clear and focused communication.”