Ashley Farrington, Secretary

Ashley Farrington was ‘horse crazy’ as a kid but her parents did not allow her to have any animals, much less a horse. When she went off on her own, the first thing she did was adopt a kitten and her own horse! That love for horses and all animals continues as Ashley...

Lisa Pascualy

Lisa Pascualy is an attorney, currently working in real estate management and investment. As a member of the SAFE Board of Directors, Lisa hopes her legal background and business experience can provide advice and counsel to SAFE when needed.

Lauren Engle, Treasurer

Lauren Engle grew up around horses, cleaning stalls for free lessons, learning everything she could and wanting more. She has always been a huge animal lover, and horses bring her a sense of peace, encouragement and a place of love and joy. Lauren found SAFE in 2018...

Ruth Kennedy, Vice President

Ruth Kennedy always had a variety of animals growing up — strays, pound dogs, lost bunnies… That trend continued into her adulthood and with her own children. Ruth currently lives with a cat that was surrendered during the pandemic. Horses have a special place for...

Barb Jensen

Barb Jensen is someone who can truly be called a lifelong equestrian, starting from age three when her mother caught her trying to shimmy up the front leg of the neighbor’s saint of a draft horse. Barb’s very non-horsey parents supported her as best they could, buying...