Adoption Announcement: Maggie!

For SAFE horse Maggie, the road to her forever home has been a long one. This mustang pony mare was gathered out of a Nevada BLM roundup in 1995, so by our estimation she’s about 22 years old. We know very little about her life before coming to SAFE but there’s...

Rover Update!

Rov is a joy to our family and appreciated every day. All of the horses on the property love him and look after him like a little foal. And, my daughters have a ball with him even though they’re now too big to ride him.

Freedom at last!

Yesterday was another big day for Anakin! Following his eye doctor appointment and a sponge bath, he got to go out into his run for the first time ever! His exercise has been strictly controlled in order to keep him from burning too many calories, but the racehorse in...