2015 Q1 Impact Statement

New Horses Intake Date: January 2, 2015 Ivy (City of Snohomish Animal Control) Boone (City of Snohomish Animal Control) Dillon (City of Snohomish Animal Control) Intake Date: March 31, 2015 Maggie (returned by adopter) Placed...

Lucky in Love

Obviously, adoptions are special to us…nothing makes us happier than being able to announce that one of the SAFE horses has found a home. But every so often, an adoption will fall into place that just reaches into our hearts and gives a little squeeze. An adoption...

March training update: Misty!

Misty is going very well for her volunteer riders. She is working on good ground manners and we have had little to no problems managing her behavior at Safe Harbor. She did have an allergic reaction a few weeks ago to what we could only guess was a bee sting. It...