Low Cost Gelding Clinic Recap

Low Cost Gelding Clinic Recap

SAFE and Mt Rainier Equine Veterinary Services put on a Low Cost Gelding Clinic on Saturday, November 22. Hosted by Horsepitality Too Stables in Auburn, we turned six stallions into happy geldings! It was a long and bitterly cold day, but spirits were high, the...

Rocky Update

An update on Rocky, our champion fighter! After intake, Rocky was transported immediately to Cedarbrook Veterinary to begin his rehabilitation. Hoof care specialist Daphne Jones (The Bare Horse) was called in to begin the process of addressing his severely neglected...

Emmy training update

We sent Emmy into training with Larry Plagerman two weeks ago, and got a great update. She’s been going WTC under saddle for a week now. The only issue she’s had is picking up the left lead. She is very right canter dominant and just needs to learn to function on the...

Lucky’s Low Bulk Diet

The past few months have included some health challenges for our dear friend Lucky. He had a mild colic episode, requiring the vet to come out and administer Banamine and fluids. He responded well, but about a week later he had another colic episode. When...