Thank you, farrier Jake Cowden!

We’re starting to understand Finn’s lameness issues a little better, thanks to Dr King who has determined that Finn a few hoof related problems going on. He does have chronic laminitis, but that does not appear to be the cause of the lameness we’ve seen. The lameness...

Who doesn’t love a happy ending?

Here are SAFE we are so fortunate to have some great equine professionals on our team! Take for instance, Kim Lacy. Kim is a dressage trainer and rider who specializes in the Arabian breed. She is quite active on both the local Arab show circuit as well as in...

Kat’s found her person!

We’ve said all along that Kat was a one-woman horse. After all, Kat isn’t the type to give her heart away to just anyone. She’s not the sort of girl who has hundreds of casual acquaintances. But she is the sort who is a friend to the end, once she decides to let you...