Alumni News: Miah of the Mountain

Here’s a great update from Miah’s adopter, Heather!  Hi everyone, happy spring, Finally! Miah has been with me now for about 6 months. We did little during the winter except survive, although that time was well spent, Miah is home and I think she knows that. I...

Tarp training for Cameo

Cameo is pretty brave, but she’s not fond of loud or sudden noises. So Terry and Laura are working with desensitizing her. Here is Cameo’s first attempts at moving over a noisy tarp. Laura is very good at helping Cameo know she can take her time and think...

Lola videos and update

Here are three new videos showing Lola’s progress under saddle. We’re also super pleased to report that Terry has had a couple of her volunteer riders working with Lola, and she has been as good for them as she is for Terry! Clearly, Terry and her team have unlocked...