by Bonnie Hammond | Oct 13, 2021 | Jacob
Jacob is such a sweet horse! He seems very comfortable with people and is very easy to halter and groom. Jacob even got his front feet trimmed by Joel and is starting to allow his back feet to be picked up. Jacob is also starting to understand a flag and sort out the...
by Bonnie Hammond | Oct 13, 2021 | Joel Conner Clinic Reports, Pepper
During the September Joel Conner clinic, Pepper got a lot of work on her education! Lily L took Pepper in the groundwork class and had this to say about the experience: I had the honor of working alongside Pepper at the most recent Joel clinic, which was a tremendous...
by Bonnie Hammond | Oct 12, 2021 | Echo
Since her arrival at SAFE, Echo’s weight has dropped from 1,100 pounds to a much more height-appropriate 875 pounds. We soak her hay for 30 minutes to decrease sugars and are using hay that is suitable for easy keepers. The hay provides roughage and forage but is not...
by Bonnie Hammond | Oct 12, 2021 | Domino
Domino is a very healthy senior horse! He has good teeth and does well on grass and hay with the normal vitamin supplement used for SAFE horses. For paddock buddies, he does best paired with a submissive gelding. He forms a strong connection with mares, to the point...
by Bonnie Hammond | Oct 12, 2021 | Daisy
Daisy, our one-eyed beauty, has gained weight since her arrival at SAFE. Her initial weight of 780 pounds has increased to 807 pounds. She’s looking quite a bit better these days, which is very nice to see. Daisy gets nervous about being moved outside her...