A new look for a new year!

Introducing new horses to our supporters always comes with an array of emotion for us here at SAFE. Sadness and sometimes anger over past suffering, but also relief at being able to help, and hope for what lies ahead in the future. Today we have a different sort of...

Help Ban Horse Slaughter in Snohomish County

The Snohomish County Council is holding a Public Hearing on Wednesday, December 19 to discuss an ordinance that would prohibit horse slaughter in Snohomish County. Not only is this a crucial measure for putting a stop to plans to re-open Florence Packing in Stanwood...

Marta Update!

An update from Marta’s foster mom! Thank you, Eileen!!!! Marta had her hooves done on the 21st  by the lovely and talented Greer Hei, farrier and horsewoman extraordinaire. Marta was a good girl as always. Whenever there is excitement, like the farrier visiting,...

Welcome home, Zan!!

Today, Zanadu completed her 30 days of post-op rehab care at Northwest Equine Stewardship Center. She returned to SAFE Harbor Stables this afternoon, where she was greeted with enthusiastic whinnying from all of her friends. Zan still has a long road to recovery but...

Training Update on Charmeon!

We got this very exciting update from trainer Helga Roberts at Dutch Mills Farm who has been working with Charmeon. We are so lucky to have an amazing horse pro like Helga who is willing to donate her time to helping our horses! Char is making terrific progress — see...