A Lesson From Luke

A Lesson From Luke

Luke was an old draft cross gelding, living alone in a field in Snohomish. I say he was living alone because he really was: his owner had gone into assisted living, and there was no one left to care for him. The remaining members of his owner’s family lived about...
Sundae Surprise

Sundae Surprise

Sundae was one of a group of seven ponies seized from their owner by Animal Control. Two of the male ponies were stallions, and one was cryptorchid…so naturally we were concerned that some unplanned breeding might have taken place prior to their rescue. As it turns...

2021 Q1 Impact Statement

New Horses Intake Date: January 27, 2021 Checkers (Animal Control Surrender) Minnie (Animal Control Surrender) Quincy (Animal Control Surrender) Doolin (Animal Control Surrender) Intake Date: January 28, 2021 Mac (Animal Control Surrender) Intake Date:...
Mac is on the Injured List

Mac is on the Injured List

Sadly, Mac had a bit of an accident yesterday during turn in. He got bothered just outside the barn door, scrambled backwards, and fell onto a ceramic planter. He suffered two sizable lacerations on his left hind gaskin that needed emergency vet care immediately....