Oscar — Placed!

Congratulations to Jessicuh on her adoption of Oscar! We look forward to updates of Oscar on his journey as the all around family horse. Please join us in wishing happy trails to Oscar and Jessicuh!

Lovely, lovely hays!

Yesterday was a banner day for SAFE’s FALL INTO WINTER feed drive. It was the final day of a matching challenge presented by long-time SAFE supporters Cara & Scott, and as the day began, we’d only managed to raise $110 of the $500 that had been offered for...

Do you remember Bucky B Lucky?

Here’s a great update and some photos of SAFE Alumni Bucky B Lucky: Lucky is doing wonderfully! He is currently in moderate work developing his skills in Dressage, and remains sound and happy. He loves his barn, and his barn buddies. We are working with Heather...

The Mares from SAFE hit the trails!

Lola, Kat, and Shiloh got out today to enjoy the fall sunshine on a 2‑hour trail ride and had a great experience! We walked past alpacas, hacked along the neighborhood road to get to the pipeline trail where the 3 mares got to work their hind quarters walking up and...