Noah — adopted!

We are over the moon today at SAFE and that is because we can finally announce that Noah has been adopted! Congratulation to Laura M and the entire wonderful M family!! Laura is a small animal veterinarian who’s been volunteering at SAFE for several months, and she...

Update on the Fall Into Winter Feed Drive

As we come to the end of October, I am very happy to report that we are well on our way to reaching our goal for the Fall Into Winter Feed Drive. We’ve raised $2,700 to date and our goal is to raise $10,000 by the end of November. I think we can do it! I know we can...

Zanadu’s surgery is a success!

We are very happy to share the news that Zanadu’s surgery, which took place yesterday at Pilchuck Vet Hospital, was a success. In fact, Dr. Bryant said that it went better than he had expected. The bone chip was very large, coming right off the corner cleanly. He was...

Shiloh training update

Brittney Stewart of B&D Sport Horses and Training has been working with Shiloh since May, and her progress has been nothing short of remarkable. Here’s an update from Brittney: Yes, the rumors are true, I am in love with Shiloh! I enjoy working with this brave...

Louie is doing great in his new foster home!!

Louie moved a few weeks back to a foster home where he is being ridden and worked on a regular basis. He’s making great progress — really filling in along his topline too. We were very excited to get this great update from his foster mom, Lisa, along with some...