Introducing new SAFE Treasurer, Victoria Guy

We are delighted to announce that Victoria Guy has accepted a position on the Board of Directors of SAFE. Victoria will be taking on the role of SAFE Treasurer, a position she will bring a great deal of professional and nonprofit experience to.  Victoria has been...

Fun Facts for Your Friday

Here’s a chart that shows each of the current SAFE horses and the date they arrived at the rescue. I knew Honeycutt was our longest resident, but I didn’t realize Sinatra was in 2nd place!! How time flies! horse intake date days months years Honeycutt 7/15/05...

Ego Afire — Adopted!

Ego Afire has been on a foster-to-adopt trial and we are delighted to announce that his adoption became official today! Congratulations to Randy & Karen and their new horse “Eomer”…named for the King of the Horse Lords, from The Lord of...

When nice things happen to nice horses!

Sure, SAFE is all about the horses. They’re the reason we do what we do. Their beauty moves us, their stories captivate us, and their spirits lift us. “The wind of heaven is that which blows between a horse’s ears.” We hear these words, and we don’t have to look...