You’d be grumpy too…

…if your teeth looked like this. Poor Louie had the terrible fangs… This is why we stress the importance of annual dental checkups for horses!...

2012 Q1 Impact Statement

New Horses Intake Date: February 17, 2012 Oscar (Pierce Co Animal Control) Louie (Pierce Co Animal Control) Scooter (Pierce Co Animal Control) Marta (Pierce Co Animal Control) Shay (Pierce Co Animal Control)  Intake Date: March...

Strider settles in at SAFE

Strider is settling in at SAFE, making new friends. In the photos you see below, the holes on his back are skin grafts. They started out as tiny spots and after two months are the size of dimes. They will continue to expand out and hopefully fill out the unhealed...

Strider is “home”!

After 7 months at NWESC, Strider has finally been released to SAFE. He still requires daily treatment of his wound area, we are going to be able to handle it ourselves. We’re thrilled to have the big guy at the SAFE farm. Transporting the 18 hand Strider was a...