Holly is once again available for adoption

Former SAFE-horse Holly was adopted last year to a family with a teenage girl. Unfortunately, due to some health problems and financial issues, they are unable to keep her. Once again, we are offering this wonderful mare for adoption. She is now 6 years old. Video...

Arnie Video

A video of Arnie, being ridden by his owner’s niece, a beginner who hasn’t ridden in a couple of years. This is Arnie’s first ride in a year. What a gem of a horse!

Dexter Update

Here’s an update from Dexter’s foster home: Ultimately, I’ve fallen in love with this little guy. If he was a hand taller or I was a hand shorter, I’d keep him. He’s smart, athletic, tough, and funny, everything I like in a horse. But I do think he deserves a rider...