Joel Conner Clinic Report: Jollie!

Joel Conner Clinic Report: Jollie!

Thank you to Casey A for this update about Jollie, who got to participate in her first Joel Conner Clinic* this month! Jollie had a fantastic week! When she arrived at SAFE she hadn’t really been halter started, and she was quite pushy, so leading her to and from...
Anderson Training Update

Anderson Training Update

Here’s an update from Anderson’s regular rider, Kaya: Since this clinic was a little unique, Anderson and I both had the opportunity to really delve into our biggest insecurities and issues. We had two round pens set up in the indoor arena and this allowed me to ride...
SAFE State of the Union

SAFE State of the Union

It should come as no surprise that horses don’t care that much about COVID-19. While the world outside the farm is changing in unimaginable ways, life here at SAFE remains pretty much the same. The horses go about their day as they always have, with certain...
Buddy and Banner Dental

Buddy and Banner Dental

Buddy and Banner had their dentals and vaccines yesterday. Both were good boys. We are guessing ages are 25 for Buddy and 22 for Banner. The dentals should give both a ton of relief when eating. They got an intense deep cleaning spa treatments afterwards. They both...