A Devastating Loss

A Devastating Loss

It’s almost inconceivable to have to write these words. We lost a horse this week — a horse that was young, strong, and full of life. A horse with a sunny personality and a friendly calm outlook on life. A horse who was just days away from finding his forever home. We...
Joel Conner Clinic Report: Jollie!

Joel Conner Clinic Report: Jollie!

Thank you to Casey A for this update about Jollie, who got to participate in her first Joel Conner Clinic* this month! Jollie had a fantastic week! When she arrived at SAFE she hadn’t really been halter started, and she was quite pushy, so leading her to and from...
Anderson Training Update

Anderson Training Update

Here’s an update from Anderson’s regular rider, Kaya: Since this clinic was a little unique, Anderson and I both had the opportunity to really delve into our biggest insecurities and issues. We had two round pens set up in the indoor arena and this allowed me to ride...