by Bonnie Hammond | Apr 8, 2020 | Barb
Barb’s taking everything her foster throws at her–even a towel!–with grace.
by Bonnie Hammond | Apr 3, 2020 | Valor
It’s almost inconceivable to have to write these words. We lost a horse this week — a horse that was young, strong, and full of life. A horse with a sunny personality and a friendly calm outlook on life. A horse who was just days away from finding his forever home. We...
by Bonnie Hammond | Mar 31, 2020 | Quarterly Impact Statements
New Horses Intake Date: February 20, 2020 Jake (Animal Control seizure) Intake Date: February 28, 2020 Buddy and Banner (Owner Surrender) Placed Horses Cameo Mara Butters Euthanized Horses Jake Slim
by Bonnie Hammond | Mar 31, 2020 | Jollie
Thank you to Casey A for this update about Jollie, who got to participate in her first Joel Conner Clinic* this month! Jollie had a fantastic week! When she arrived at SAFE she hadn’t really been halter started, and she was quite pushy, so leading her to and from...
by Bonnie Hammond | Mar 28, 2020 | Anderson
Here’s an update from Anderson’s regular rider, Kaya: Since this clinic was a little unique, Anderson and I both had the opportunity to really delve into our biggest insecurities and issues. We had two round pens set up in the indoor arena and this allowed me to ride...