Amelia Under Saddle

Amelia Under Saddle

SAFE volunteer rider Phoebe has been working with Amelia for quite a long time, and has successfully restarted her under saddle. Though Amelia will only be suited to light riding due to her age and history, she loves kids and would be a great horse for leadline....
Pearl Training Update

Pearl Training Update

Volunteer horseman Phoebe T has been working with Pearl. Here’s her report on their progress: I’ve never worked with a Morab before, and Pearl has me sold on the combination!! She is SOOO smart! She is definitely a willing partner and has gotten accustomed to the...
Valor Training Update

Valor Training Update

Here’s an update from one of Valor’s regular riders, Kaya M: Valor seems to have everyone swooning over him constantly at SAFE. He’s so handsome and sweet and wants nothing more than someone to hug his face and tell him he’s a good boy. Working with him the past...
Alder Training Update

Alder Training Update

Thank you to volunteer horseman Kaya M for this update on Alder. Don’t tell anyone, but I think she’s in love… Alder is a smart, thoughtful gelding with an active mind and an intense desire to find the right answer and do the right thing. Working with him on...