Welcoming Justin, Glory, and Fancy to SAFE

Welcoming Justin, Glory, and Fancy to SAFE

Justin, Glory, and Fancy were seized from their owner by Animal Control due to starvation and neglect. A few months earlier, Animal Control seized Roscoe and Teddi from the same person. The three are regaining the weight they lost, and are being treated for rain rot...
He Is Indeed, Rest in Peace

He Is Indeed, Rest in Peace

A beloved SAFE alum departed this world yesterday. Deeds, adopted by the Stewart family in 2012, was humanely euthanized due to colic last night. Deeds lived a happy life as a companion to many of the Stewart’s horses, and he was a good friend to all. He was a quirky...
Rest in Peace, Annabelle

Rest in Peace, Annabelle

We lost a dear friend last week. Annabelle, who lived with Aubrey in one of our very best foster homes, collapsed suddenly on Tuesday morning and passed away shortly thereafter. She may have had a heart attack or an aneurysm, we’ll probably never know. Whatever it...
Jessel has been adopted!

Jessel has been adopted!

We are happy to share that Jessel has found a home with Alexandra in Spokane, Washington! Alexandra, an accomplished rider, had just lost her 17 year old mare to colic. Alexandra’s experience is a perfect match for Jessel and her continuing education under saddle....
Photos of Lori and Prince

Photos of Lori and Prince

Tomorrow Prince leaves for his new home. Today, photographer Jessica Farren captured a glimpse of his bond with Lori. Prince is moving on to the next part of his life, but he will not be forgotten.