Roscoe and Teddi Updates

Roscoe and Teddi Updates

Volunteer rider Lisa G has been working with Roscoe and Teddi on the ground, preparing them for Joel Conner’s visit on March 15. Lisa is using the flag and the coiled rope to help them get more comfortable being touched and moved about. Here are her reports on their...

Thoughts about Prince

SAFE Barn Manager Lori has developed a very close relationship with Prince and worked with him for quite a while to help him prepare for the day he would be adopted. She shared these thoughts with us: I woke up this morning thinking about Prince and how far he...
Sienna at NWESC

Sienna at NWESC

Here are photos of Sienna taken at NWESC at the beginning of her stay there. You can really see how awful her feet were in these photos. It was incredibly difficult for her to walk with feet this long.   Here is an update from NWESC on Sienna’s progress:...