Alumni Update: Bubbles (Bella)

Alumni Update: Bubbles (Bella)

Mary and Bella are doing great! Bella has been in a training refresher for the month of January. The lessons have been going well, and she is learning to be more confident on the trails, where she holds her head lower and more relaxed. Bella has been doing great with...
Alumni Update: Declan

Alumni Update: Declan

Declan is doing great at the top of a “mountain” in Granite Falls. It is about 1100 feet elevation, cold and beautiful. He is hanging out with Sue’s (his adopter) other horse Cal and having a great time. Lovely 20 plus acre farm with plenty of action going on and...
Alumni Update: Montana

Alumni Update: Montana

Montana’s adopter, Alycia, shared this update. I wanted to reach out with a Montana pic and update. I captured this photo as he ran up the pasture after his new bestie, Mikey. Montana has settled well into his routine here and is building warm relationships and...
Alumni Update: Roscoe

Alumni Update: Roscoe

Roscoe looks wonderful and has a great little herd to run with all day. Fantasia (32-year-old-mare), Ebby (4‑year-old gelding) and Hazel (15-year-old mare). Plus, Bam and Daisy, the very large goaties! Kasey and Roscoe ride regularly on trails, doing arena work, in...
Alumni Update: Boone (Mr. Fezziweg)

Alumni Update: Boone (Mr. Fezziweg)

Boone (now Mr. Fezziweg)  was adopted from SAFE in late November 2020.  His adopted family had just seen the show A Christmas Carol, and Mr. Fezziweg was the name of Scrooge’s first boss at the counting house. Mr. Fezziweg was the jolly fellow that gave the...