March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Sienna

March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Sienna

Catherine N worked Sienna in the March Joel Conner clinic, and says the following about her experience: “I worked Sienna in the groundwork for the March Joel Conner Clinic. I feel like we were both nervous at first, but quickly settled in. Sienna, I felt, was able to...
March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Artie

March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Artie

Kirsten L has been riding Artie for several months, and brought him in to the March Joel Conner clinic. Here is her report on the experience: “Mr. Artie Shaw is quite the gentleman! This was my first riding clinic with Joel and Artie was incredibly patient with my...
Rest in Peace, Lancelot

Rest in Peace, Lancelot

Every once in a while, we are reminded of just how delicate horses actually are. While announcing the loss of one of our herd is never easy, this one is a bit more painful than most. During his first saddling, in a freak accident, Lance broke his leg. While a broken...