by Lily Leitkowski | Jun 15, 2024 | Blanche
We interrupt your weekend to bring you good news: Blanche has been adopted! Blanche, now called Joule, headed out on a beautiful sunny day to join Elissa’s family, whose non-human members include a handful of Nigerian goats and new horse-brother, Watney. Elissa had...
by Lily Leitkowski | Jun 15, 2024 | Jupiter
Jupiter has been dealing with a sore back as of late, and in the midst of his rehabbing (he can do his carrot stretches in his sleep!) he had a visit with our good friend Natalie for a session of bodywork utilizing the Masterson Method. Jupiter was very responsive to...
by Lily Leitkowski | Jun 14, 2024 | Bandit Bay, Brandy Snap
These two mares may be older in their years, but put them on pasture and they sure don’t act like it — these girls can rip! A necessary part of any turnout includes a good roll, and Brandy and Bandit, particularly the latter, prove how well-versed they are in the art...
by Lily Leitkowski | Jun 13, 2024 | Bailey
Yesterday, as the sun shone overhead and a warm breeze blew, we said goodbye to Bailey. While she might not have been at SAFE for very long, she was well fed, well cared for, and well loved during her time with us. You’d be hard pressed to find a sweeter mare, and...
by Lily Leitkowski | Jun 12, 2024 | Volunteer Happenings
Another day, another fun and successful Work Party! Last week, SAFE hosted Deloitte LLP as part of their 25th annual company wide Impact Day. We had nearly 40 people from their Seattle office come to the barn for the entire day. These folks were hungry for the work...