Alumni Post: Bean

Alumni Post: Bean

Bean and her two four legged friends are lucky enough to have 2 acres to graze, run around, and kick up their heels.  Bean is the queen of the herd, and her friend, Midas, has two bites on his butt, reminding him of his place. Michelle (Bean’s adopter) said the...
Alumni Update: Ruby

Alumni Update: Ruby

Ruby enjoys her life on 17 acres of pasture and forest. About a year ago she lost her best gelding friend. To help her cope with the loss two young mares how lost their mother came to live with Ruby. She is now a fantastic mom who is quite strict with their behavior...
Alumni Update: CJ and Rosie

Alumni Update: CJ and Rosie

CJ and Rosie were adopted together and still remain the best of friends today! Their other friends/roomates include  chickens, turkeys, goats and ducks.  Eric, their adopter, loves being able to look out his window and see them in their pasture.
Alumni Update: Sampson

Alumni Update: Sampson

Sampson is living the good life in Scottsdale, AZ. He is boarded at a facility with a horse swimming pool! Sampson was a competitive show jumper, but is now retired from jumping and is doing working on dressage. Sampson’s adopter loves him very much and said will...