Luna’s Getting Closer!

Luna’s Getting Closer!

Right on the heels of Pippi’s arrival, Luna is showing signs of getting closer to foaling. She’s right on track for the predicted foaling date of sometime in October. She has recently started having some mammary development, and she is producing some “milk.” It’s...
Pippi Update

Pippi Update

It’s hard to believe how quickly time flies when we look at our little Pippi! It seems like just yesterday she was a wobbly little bundle of legs, gangling awkwardly around the foaling stall. She appears to be growing before our eyes and is exploring her world like a...
Raven Gets to Eat Grass!

Raven Gets to Eat Grass!

To our delight, Raven is getting ever closer to being a “normal” horse. We have been getting her out on fresh grass little by little to see how her digestive system handles it, and she’s doing well on it. She’s off all medication and now the only additive we give her...
Nashville’s First Trail Ride

Nashville’s First Trail Ride

Nashville has been going really well under saddle, and yesterday she went out for her first ever trail ride! She was a little unsure in the beginning but quickly settled with her friend Roscoe out front and Bowie bringing up the rear. We tried her in the lead and also...

Baby Time Approaches for Asha

Preparations have begun here at Safe Harbor Stables to welcome our three new foals into the world. Our three mothers-to-be became pregnant prior to their rescue, and while we are firmly on the side of responsible breeding to do our part in minimizing America’s...