Thanks, Triple Crown Feed!

Triple Crown Feed Company generously put together and donated these goody bags to give away to attendants at our recent wellness expo. The folks at Triple Crown have been a great resource for us in developing a feeding protocol for our three pregnant mares. Asha,...
Sage Health Update

Sage Health Update

Sage got a visit from Dr. Fleck today to recheck her ACTH level. She’s been on a trial dose of Prascend for several weeks since her level came back at the high end of normal at her last vet visit, and she looks and acts like a new horse. We’ll have answers from the...
What’s in Your First Aid Kit?

What’s in Your First Aid Kit?

As springtime runs full tilt toward summer and equestrians everywhere are more active with their horses, it’s a great time to re-visit and refresh your first aid kits (both horse and human). We have 2 equine first aid kits here at SAFE: one that is easily accessible...
Dental Day for Bowie, Orion, and Justin

Dental Day for Bowie, Orion, and Justin

Our three newest gentlemen had their first visit from the vet recently. All of them have unknown histories of veterinary care. It’s likely that Justin and Bowie have at least had dental work at some point in their past, but it’s quite possible that Orion has never had...
Unfortunate News For Teddi

Unfortunate News For Teddi

Teddi had a visit from the vet last week. She turned up lame on her left front leg, and we noticed a suspicious bony lump on her pastern that has been getting larger over the past few weeks. After a brief lameness exam, Dr. Fleck took some radiographs, and the...