Sage Gets a Spa Day, and Health Update

Sage Gets a Spa Day, and Health Update

Our little Sage has blossomed! She came to us with a long, dull coat from neglect and malnourishment–so long and scruffy, in fact, that some of us referred to her endearingly as our little yak-pony. But after some good nutrition, a few baths, and a round with the...
Raven Takes Another Field Trip

Raven Takes Another Field Trip

Raven’s colic saga has unfortunately continued since her last update. Although her colics are usually very minor, we still want to get to the bottom of the problem and find a solution if we can. We hauled her into Pilchuck Veterinary Hospital last week for an internal...
Thank you, Ecovet!

Thank you, Ecovet!

Recently SAFE received a generous donation of fly spray from Ecovet, Inc., just in time for fly season! We’re excited about this donation because Ecovet Fly Repellent is an alternative to the more common permethrin-based fly sprays that some of our horses are...