Sparky-ing Joy

Sparky-ing Joy

The novelty of meeting new horses as they come through the gates of SAFE never gets old. The horse person in all of us lights up with every new arrival — each new equine could be the very first one we’ve ever met, considering the way we act. And not to say that the...
Valentine on Fox 13!

Valentine on Fox 13!

Our sweet Valentine was featured by the Limelight Pet Project this last Sunday on Fox 13! If you missed it, no worries, check out her full story by watching the video below. Thank you to our wonderful friends at The Limelight Pet Project who help shine the light on...
A Walk With Cameron

A Walk With Cameron

One of our long time volunteers, Monique, who walks Cameron once a week, wrote this about him and it melted our hearts. “Our sweet boy Cameron can see us a mile away, Is that a bucket?! Oh, time for my walk! He’s always eager against the gate, messy face nose dive in...
Nyx is Adopted!

Nyx is Adopted!

Congratulations to our big boy Nyx! Lindsay first made the journey from Oregon to meet Nyx 3 months ago. The two hit it off and the plan was made to continue Nyx’s training for a couple of months before heading to his new home. The training would end with Lindsay...
Daisy is Adopted!

Daisy is Adopted!

Foster fail alert!! When Daisy headed to foster at Shellie’s home back in February 2021, we didn’t know that she wouldn’t return, but we are happy to hear Shellie fell in love and refused to give her back. In fact, she said she couldn’t imagine life without her so she...