Update on Otto

Update on Otto

This little cutie is feeling much better after packing on a few more pounds! He has proven to be fairly even mannered and willing to try what is asked of him. Pretty much ground ties like a champ for grooming sessions unless its food time and then all the...
Topper is Adopted!

Topper is Adopted!

Topper has found a wonderful new family! Not only does he get a four legged best friend, but two adorable young kids to love on him. Jo and Marcus were looking for a companion for their retiring 23 year old show mare, Cisco. The two horses met in 2 feet of snow! The...
Montana’s Progress

Montana’s Progress

We have made some progress with gentling Montana to the halter. He is still very shy about the first touch and had learned from his previous life that he can keep his head just out of reach from the halter by holding it far to the other side. He will allow us to walk...
Mac In Search of a Perfect Home

Mac In Search of a Perfect Home

Terry had this to say our big Mac: “I think a lot about what Mac’s perfect home would be. It is hard to find because the person handling has to have good horse sense. They need to understand good timing for pressure and release. Too much pressure without a timely...
Lacey Loves Freya

Lacey Loves Freya

Lacey has taken a real liking to her fence line buddy, Freya. It was very cute when we first turned Freya out with the mare herd next to Lacey, the two of them spent a ton of time talking to each other through the fence. Then for days Freya would be found...