Echo at the Joel Conner Clinic

Echo at the Joel Conner Clinic

One of our volunteer riders, Candi, recently rode Echo on the last day of the Joel Connor Clinic. Here is what she said about Echo. “One look into Echo’s eyes and you see a sweet mare who is finding her groove once again. In the last month she has been introduced...
Three New Horses

Three New Horses

Brandy, Bandit and Topper all arrived at the beginning of October. Sadly, their owner had terminal cancer and was in hospice care. One of their last wishes was to ensure that her horses were safe and taken care of. Their friends helped them locate SAFE, we were able...
Questions from Kindergartners

Questions from Kindergartners

Recently a teacher from a near by elementary school reached out because she had a few students who wanted to learn more about horses. Terry was happy to help educate our little budding horse lovers. Check out their questions and Terry’s answers and see if you also can...
Alumni Update: Remy

Alumni Update: Remy

Here are some great photos of Remy sent to us by his adopter, Jessica. Remy loves to play with other horses and teach them about toys. Here he is with his best friend, Soldier. These are toys, right?  Soldier with his tongue out, Remy holding...